Dedicated Hosting Servers
Dedicated Hosting Servers
Technology changes so rapidly that owning and upgrading hardware is more often than not, impractical. A dedicated hosting server is owned by Stafford Associates and leased by you.
Stafford configures dedicated hosting servers to your exact specifications, install the operating system and maintain the hardware . You manage the server with root or admin access.
Why a Dedicated Hosting Server?
With root access you have the ability to install, configure and administer applications, security patches and manage users. In this way, Stafford Associates can offer you the "best of both worlds".
Stafford Associates is in the business of maintaining (and supporting) the best that current technology has to offer. You can be sure that your system meets or exceeds the current standard and will continue to do so into the future. Not only is your system safe, secure and stable, but so is your investment.
Stafford Associates offers more than just equipment, secure space, redundant power and bandwidth. Stafford Associates’ trained data center staff is here to support you in all aspects of hosting. We can help you with everything from rebooting your system, adding more RAM or updating your OS to managing your backups and firewalls or simply to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
These managed services can always be added onto existing packages when and if you need it. Your system grows as you need it and Stafford Associates is there when you need us.